Adam comes to the field of adult neurodivergent education with 18 years of experiential knowledge gained in cross-cultural narrative structures, constructing engaging online education frameworks and using storytelling for personal development and mental health goals.
An award-winning copywriter, screenwriter and independent researcher, Adam has delivered 470 talks on film storytelling for universities, cons & cinemas, produced educational TV series, and worked with integrative therapists, anthropologists and teachers of Eastern spiritual schools.
Adam spent over 2400 hours developing training materials for people with neurodivergent traits and, together with his wife Livia, creating personalised adaptations for dozens of neurodivergent clients and small business owners.
Specialist subjects: ADHD, neurodivergence spectrum overlaps, making systems make sense
Can talk for hours about Studio Ghibli films, comparative mythology, Revolutionary Girl Utena
Delights: connecting the dots between previously unconnected research, video games with strong narratives
Growing up: crafted ongoing serial stories with LEGOs, pretended the sidewalk was a platformer level, wrote his own point-and-click puzzle games
Neurodivergent ‘Oh, that makes complete sense now‘ moments:
- First drawing at age 2.5 was a cross-section of a 5-level spaceship.
- After not speaking more than single words in his first 3 years, remarking ‘Excuse me, Dr Muller, what is the function for which this device is utilised?‘
Livia is an adult education specialist with a joy-centred approach and a sharp sense for simplifying complex ideas using silly visual metaphors.
Over the past 15 years, she’s written over 870 articles and developed 294 distinct techniques for a Hungarian audience, covering a wide range of life & work adaptations.
To date, a total of 5302 people have enrolled in one of the 8 online courses she co-developed with Adam, offering neurodivergence-inclusive frameworks for time management, goal setting, boundaries, self-care and small business management.
She is now updating & readapting her work for an English-speaking adult neurodivergent audience.
Specialist subjects: neurodivergent adaptations for life and work, dismantling harmful self-beliefs, promoting self-compassion, creating a life without the hustle
Published in: Éva Magazin (2014-2020), HVG Psychology (2019), Glamour (2019), Forbes Hungary (2017), Marie Claire Hungary (2013), Elle Hungary (2013), Cosmopolitan Hungary (2013)
Talks given at: Corvinus University Budapest
- HVG GoldenBlog, Audience award for urban:eve blog (2011, won)
- Cosmopolitan Digital Divas, “Best Blog Design” (2012, won)
- Libri Golden Book Awards, “That Traffic Light’s Not Getting Any Greener!” (2014, shortlisted)
- Glamour Women of The Year Hungary, “Blogger of the Year” (2014, nominated)
Can talk for hours about van conversions, why crochet can’t be mass-produced, political & socio-economical interpretations of whatever sci-fi story she’s currently obsessed with (Silo, Early Riser, The OA, Severance, Children of Time, etc.)
Delights: stickers for planning & memory-keeping, squishy yarns and crochet, rollerskating with a disco playlist, lion head bunnies
Growing up: obsessed with mermaids, Garfield, dinosaurs, started reading and writing at 5 because was infuriated by not understanding written information, started writing crime novels at 13.
Neurodivergent ‘Oh, that makes complete sense now‘ moments:
- Top 6 labels from teachers: ‘too loud’, ‘smart but talks back’, ‘pedantic and corrects teachers’, ‘precocious’, ‘bossy’ and ‘stubborn’
- Building her own paper-based planner system at age 10
- Learning at 13 how to hand-code websites in the dial-up internet era, as the quality of the available fansites for Sailor Moon she found ‘inadequate‘
- As a child, preferred the company of adults and found most other children boring and unsophisticated.
Nora is an experienced project specialist with a penchant for crafting accessible workflows and unearthing relevant cultural and structural insights.
Curious & quick, they build on 15 years of experience in organisations and industries from NGOs to global corporations like IBM, OMD, and We Are Social. Their processes to reliably attain specific business goals have become best practices in 50+ markets.
As a workshop facilitator and project coordinator, Nora has managed 52 new business and retention pitches and designed & facilitated 90+ ideation workshops. They also delivered Train the Trainer sessions, writers’ workshops, and editorial frameworks.
As writer and editor, Nora’s work has been featured in The Calvert Journal, Snow Lit Rev, and Recorder.
At Weirdly Successful they distil their skills and professional experience into inclusive insight work, workshop offerings, and customised workflows.
Specialist subjects: SPD, sense-making, crafting editorial structures & sensory-friendly environments
Worked for: IBM, OMD Germany, We Are Social
Published in: The Calvert Journal, Snow Lit Rev, Recorder
Can talk for hours about cinematic topography, slow travel, nature reconnection, and far-away places
Delights: filter coffee and multiple breakfasts (croissants preferred)
Growing up: mesmerised by geology, crystallography, forests, mountains and storytelling. Drew gory illustrations for The Odyssey at age 4. Devoured the stories of Alexandre Dumas and the Bronte siblings at age 8. Would be cast as Court Magician and Royal Army General in school plays. At age 11, put down ideal career as “navy officer in the merchant navy”.
Neurodivergent ‘Oh, that makes complete sense now‘ moments:
- all school reports listing ‘daydreaming’ as ‘central problem’
- universal opinion on birthday parties: ‘I don’t get why they have to shout all the time‘

Rumcajs alias Rumi
CSO, Chief Snack Officer
Rumi is a lion head mini lop bunny with a keen sense of how to disrupt workflows and schedules by being unbearably cute.
He builds on over 3 years of experience in reminding the team to take frequent breaks, stand up from the desk and run around in the living room for fun.
Rumi is a highly respected emergent thought leader, as he emerges from behind the couch to convey his thoughts that lead us to the snack shelf.
At Weirdly Successful, Rumi utilises his skill of being adorable to bring always-welcome distractions to client calls and provide sensory regulation at the end of a long day by demanding ear scratches.
Specialist subjects: jumping on hind legs for treats, mid-jump Matrix-style 360° peeing, sleeping on his back