Tana, the software tool for neurodivergent work & life management you didn’t know you need
Watch Adam’s Tana Tour with Ev Chapman on Tana’s YouTube:
Watch Adam’s Tana Tour with Ev Chapman on Tana’s YouTube:
What makes you weird? And what are the secret little characteristics or traits about yourself that you try to hide, ignore, or shut down because you’re afraid of someone judging – or worst, you hide them from yourself because you fear it might stop you from achieving the success you know is possible for you?
Today, I’m joined by Nora Selmeczi, who after a successful career working in corporate and NGO space and their own journey with autism, founded Weirdly Successful with friends and business partners Adam Dobay and Livia Farkas. The social enterprise is dedicated to creating self-compassionate frameworks for neurodivergent entrepreneurs, and in the workplace.
This presentation was delivered for Joyfully Different.
Whether it’s ADHD, Autism, SPD or SLDs, typical business advice goes right out the window. If you have more than a couple of neurodivergent traits, running your own business comes with unique challenges that defy the most common business, management, and productivity advice.
In this power hour, we’ve got a mindset-shifting masterclass to declutter the decades of horrible advice, so you can finally stop feeling bad for having a brain with unique wiring.
This presentation was created for Brighton Chamber of Commerce.